Under the Eiffel Tower…
Tiny company from Dallas preparing to extract 40 billion barrels of crude oil from beneath Paris, France…
Discovery big enough to fuel U.S. demand for 5.2 years, according to Energy Information Administration…
Estimates show as much as 1,820% gains for investors who get in now… before this oil comes to market…Well… who ever thought of looking for oil beneath the Eiffel Tower?
Indeed, while Parisians sip coffee and nibble croissants in Montmartre… as tourists stroll through the Louvre, and walk along the Left Bank… there's an ocean of sweet crude oil bubbling directly beneath their feet.
Five years ago, the Tiny Texan oil company "cashed out" of all its U.S. holdings to explore and develop its massive discovery in France. The day it sold its last American oil well, the company literally dropped off Wall Street's radar screen. If you were a stock analyst tracking domestic oil companies' U.S. operations, the "Tiny Texan" ceased to "exist."
So the company (we'll call it the "Tiny Texan") decided to take an enormous risk. It sold off its U.S.-based operations. Every oilfield, well and piece of equipment went up for sale. Then they took the millions in proceeds and poured them into the Paris project. Shortly after doing so, the company confirmed the first 30 million barrels. (Just as quickly, it purchased the rights to that discovery from the French Oil Ministry). But what nobody knew at the time was just how big the discovery would become.
The geologists hadn't actually confirmed the physical limits of the accumulation
It is the richest oil deposit in Western Europe. The French Oil Ministry has confirmed more than 40 billion barrels. It's enough to fuel total U.S. oil demand for 5.2 years, according to the Energy Information Administration. Enough to fill more than 2.54 million Olympic-sized swimming pools…And 27 times more oil than ExxonMobil produces annually…
The estimated size of the reserve grew… to 72 million barrels… 350 million barrels… 1 billion barrels… 3 billion barrels… 12 billion barrels…The data were breathtaking. And so were the potential revenues as they swelled from $5.04 billion… to $24.50 billion… $70 billion… $21 billion… $840 billion… and counting.
The Tiny Texan has an additional seven wells coming online right afterwards. They're located to the south of the city, too. Combined, the first eight wells will tap into an estimated 65 million to 72 million barrels worth about $4.55 billion. That could be enough to drive the company's market cap up 4,550% from current levels around $100 million.
Even if the company found 40% of what it expects, it could be enough to send the stock soaring 1,820%
Goldman Sachs, Barclays and Vanguard: All Buying this Stock with their Own Money… But Not Telling Investors
Goldman Sachs just bought 1.07 million shares for its house accounts. Barclays bought 1.04 million shares with its own money. Palo Alto investors bought nearly 2 million shares. Yet none of these big firms will tell its retail clients about the opportunity.
Why Gains Could Go So Much Higher…
For example, Brazil's Petrobras Energia is a $15 billion company. The Tiny Texan is about 1/100th the size, with a market cap of around $100 million.
Petrobras discovered 5 billion barrels of oil in its Tupi Field last year, and the stock soared 207%. The relatively small Tiny Texan has discovered eight times more oil, and the stock has risen 15%.
Just looking at the discoveries, you would expect the Texan to climb eight times higher – about 1,656%. But considering that the company is so much smaller than Petrobras, you would expect that number to rise exponentially.
That's why we think this stock could climb up to 1,820% from current levels, if everything goes according to plan.
So why didn't one of Europe's major oil companies such as Total pounce on this oil long ago?
The answer: They didn't have the right equipment. You can't simply drill an oil well under the Eiffel Tower and start filling up oil barges on the River Seine.
Bottom line: This tiny, $100 million wildcatter from Dallas now sits atop 40 billion barrels of crude oil worth $2.8 trillion dollars.
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